August 14-17 In class assignments

election-issue-survey.doc ( Friday)

ins-citizenship-test-questions.doc. This document was copied from and the author is Robert Longley  (Wednesday-Thursday)

kapush-survey.doc (Monday)


This week’s daily assignments are:

AP U.S. History Ground Rules

*KAPUSH survey 

* Daily Sparks

* INS citizenship test questions

4 Responses

  1. u said in class today that we were gonna have an essay or something like that on one of the canidates that are running for president and it would be due next friday and u said it was on this webiste i cant find the info about it.
    -melissa devey per.2

  2. Melissa the assignment is on here. It’s under: My space and MTV teaming up for presidential dialogue. Read it and it tells what you have to do.

  3. okay i got it thank you very much!

  4. i have a question is it possible that we can have one more day in class to work on our group activity due tomorrow the one about making a 3-5 minute play thing to do in class and it be dueon thursday because it is really hard to get our group together to work on and we arent ready

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