Interesting Facts about WWI according to

– In WW1, Germany was funding Lenin’s campaign so Russia would enter a revolution and thus leave the war.

– The US entered WW1 because Germany sent a note to Mexico (that was intercepted) saying they would help Mexico get some original American land back (meaning they would declare war on the United States) if they helped Germany in WW1.

– In WW1, Germany recruited black Americans into the Mexican army. (Black Americans in that time opposed America at war, majorly.)

– In WW1, American military leaders wore French gas masks because the American designs (which the millions of soldiers had to wear) were fatally flawed in some cases.
– In WW1, President Wilson signed the Espianoge Act. Also to fight low morale, President Wilson instigated the “American Protection Legion” to spy on Americans to see what they were saying about the war. It employed 250,000 gov’t workers.

World War I Trivia

Students,to test your knowledge of World War I and to get you thinking about the topic, I have copied a quiz from Do the quiz without going to the site to check your answers

1.War I was triggered by the assassination of what Archduke of Austria?Choose Your Answer: A: Ferdinand Maximilian, B: Franz Ferdinand, C: Franz Wilhelm, D: Wilhelm Karl

2) What was the name of Germany’s plan at the beginning of World War I to deliver a knock-out blow to the French and then turn all of its resources on the more slowly mobilizing Russian army?

Choose Your Answer: A: Blitzkrieg Plan, B: Von Moltke Plan, C: Schlieffen Plan, D: Hindenburg Plan

3) What country pulled out of World War I on March 3, 1918?

Choose Your Answer: A: Austria, B: Belgium, C: Poland, D: Russia

4) There was a temporary truce on what day in 1914?

Choose Your Answer: A: Christmas Day, B: Easter Sunday, C: Valentine’s Day, D: June 6th

5) What German telegram, intercepted by the British, offered to give the American Southwest back to Mexico if they declared war on the United States?

Choose Your Answer: A: Zimmerman Telegram, B: Reinhardt Telegram, C: Bernstorff Telegram, D: Van Trapp Telegram

6) What was Woodrow Wilson’s campaign slogan when he ran for re-election in 1916?

Choose Your Answer: A: Peace, Progress, Prosperity, B: Don’t swap horses in the middle of the stream, C: He kept us out of war, D: Read my lips, no new taxes

7) What new weapon was introduced in the Battle of the Somme?

Choose Your Answer: A: U-boat, B: Tank, C: Poison Gas, D: Machine Gun

8) Which was the first of the Central Powers to sign an armistice?

Choose Your Answer: A: Germany, B: Italy, C: Bulgaria, D: Hungary

9) What country lost the most lives in World War I?

Choose Your Answer: A: France, B: Austria, C: Soviet Union, D: Germany

10) What was the total number of fatalities during World War I?

Choose Your Answer: A: 3 Million, B: 9 Million, C: 18 Million, D: 27 Million

Shell Shock: Effects of War